Insights on our R&D department
The quality of our products is certified by lab tests and on-going control
during the production phase.
Decoral® R&D department is always focused on the development of durable products,
with particular attention to environment and human health.
Determination of colour differences between paints using a spectrophotometer
(ISO 7724-3:1984)
Determination of paint adhesion
(UNI EN ISO 2409: 2007)
Determination of paint gloss value
(UNI EN ISO 2813:2001)
Determination of paint hardness
(UNI EN ISO 2815:2005; ISO 15184:1998)
of paint resistance to humidity
(UNI EN ISO 6270-1:2001)
Aging and exposure to laboratory
light sources using Q-Sun 3000
and Solarbox (ISO 16474-2)
Assessment of paint resistance
to corrosion in aggressive artificial
atmospheres (UNI EN ISO 9227)
Determination of coating mass changes as a function of temperature and time using the thermogravimetric method
Bend test (EN ISO 1519)
Visual comparison of paints and decorations using artificial light sources in a standard booth
(UNI EN ISO 3668:2002)
Chemical analysis of paints
using a calorimeter (DSC)
Natural exposure in Florida (USA)
and in our premises
(ASTM G147-2009; ASTM G7-2005)